Competitive anxiety in grassroots sport in the Balearic Islands

David Pulido, Pere Antoni Borrás, Miquel Salom, Francisco Javier Ponseti


In this investigation, the relation between youth footballers’ sportive anxiety and management behaviours, pressure, support, comprehension and active participation from their parents is analysed in their children sport events. One hundred and seventy-six youth football players who belonged to U-15 2nd division league of the Balearic Islands, with an average age of 14.26 years, (SD= .48) have participated voluntarily with this study during the 2016/17 season. To analyse the psychological variables, the Spanish version adapted of Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS-2) and the Parental Involvement in Sport Questionnaire (PISQ) were given to the athletes. The results show differences among values of the three elements of the competitive anxiety: somatic, which promotes losing concentration and worry about the performance, but no significant relation was found about parents influence.


Competitive anxiety, Grassroots sport, Parental influence, Performance.

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