Attitudinal traits of body image and quality of life in sedentary and physically active individuals with vitiligo

Lucilene Ferreira, Amanda Dias Postigo, Marcelo Callegari Zanetti, Angela Nogueira Neves


Vitiligo is a chronic cutaneous disease characterized by blemishes of pure white color and with sharp edges of different sizes and shapes. The aim of this study was to verify if there are differences between people with vitiligo who are physically active and sedentary in relation to the quality of life and attitudinal traits of the body image – social physical anxiety, self-esteem and body appreciation. Then, if the frequency of exercise practice causes differences in the same variables. The sample consisted of 109 participants with vitiligo, of both sexes. Social Physique Anxiety Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Vitiligo-Specific Health-Related Quality of Life Instrument and Body Appreciation Scale, in their adapted versions for Brazil, were used in the evaluation of the constructs under study. Data were analyzed with Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test, adopting 95% of confidence level. The results pointed to significant differences in the quality of life among physically active and sedentary men, and those who exercise more frequently show a better quality of life. Regarding the female sample, data showed that sedentary women had a higher level of social physical anxiety, a lower level of body appreciation and a worse quality of life than the physically active ones. However, there were no significant differences in the frequency of physical exercise among women. Physical exercise is a potential resource for improving, especially the quality of life for men and women, and physical social anxiety and body acceptance in women with vitiligo. This is a process that can be facilitated by the professional when working their body's physical experiences, considering the physical, physiological, emotional and special barriers of them.


Vitiligo; Body image; Quality of life

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