Basic psychological needs, sport organization and levels of physical activity in scholars

Javier Lamoneda Prieto, F. Javier Huertas-Delgado


The objective of this study was to analyze the physical activity (PA) level and perception of satisfaction of basic psychological needs (NPB) in the sport’s context. The influence of the variables: educational level, gender, type of sport and sports organization. The connection between PA & NPB was checked. 704 students participated, 400 primary and 304 secondary schools, age of 11.54 years (SD = 1.35). Differences between the variables studied and the association between NPB and PA was tested using: Chi-Cuadrado, T de Student and a linear regression. The results indicated that children have significantly higher values in levels of physical activity and satisfaction that adolescents’ NPB. These results were repeated in girls, practitioners of team sports and of diverse sport organization (federated and non-federated). No differences were found in boys and individual sports practitioners. The linear regression analysis showed that the goal of competition was the only variable that positively predicted psychological physical activity (β=.358, p < 0.001). It suggests that Physical Education Teachers must focus on this educational level change to stop the hinder of physical education practice and basic psychological needs. Therefore, our suggestion is to focus the work in the PE lessons to develop the students’ competence.


Physical activity; Psychological needs; Competition; Adolescent

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