Comparative analysis on the perception of the quality of the municipal sports services of Baix Llobregat

Francesc Solanellas, Laure Fanega Macías


The evaluation of the quality of the public services is a topical subject. It seems logical to think that a constant study in this field could contribute to control, to improve and to be more demanding to them. In the field of sports facilities, this assessment could be measured in objective way with variables such as number of members, frequencies by segments, user authorizations and cancellations, use time, waiting time etc. However, it´s important to consider the users opinions, the perception of users of the public services. The objective of this research is to evaluate the perception that sports facilities users of Baix Llobregat have and to be compared with the people in charge of sports of their municipality. Results showed that users scored better than sports managers and political managers. These differences among stakeholders should give us the possibility to establish policies, actions with the final objective to provide the best sports public services.


Perception; Consumer behavior and public services

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