Perception of health, self-esteem and physical self-concept in elderly persons based on their physical activity

Pablo Jodra, José Luis Maté-Muñoz, Raúl Domínguez


The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between self-esteem and the dimensions that define physical self-concept, and the perception of health in older people, in relation to the level of physical activity practice they perform. To do this, 130 participants between 63 and 75 years old (M = 67.3 and DT = 3.14), were classified into two groups, physically active and physically inactive, depending on the level of physical activity they perform; Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale, Fox and Corbin’s Physical Self-Perception Profile, and SF-36 Health Survey from Ware and Sherbourne were all applied to them. The results show the positive relationship established between being a physically active person and the best levels in self-esteem, physical condition and perceived competence. In addition, it is determined that the physical and emotional role played by people in daily routines, are respectively related to perceived competence and physical appearance.


Seniors; Physical activity; Self-concept; Self-esteem; Health

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