Dynamic Elements of Sports Development: Perceptions of Basketball Coaches

Carine Collet, Alexandre Vinícius Bobato Tozetto, Tayná Iha, Juarez Vieira do Nascimento, William R Falcão, Michel Milistetd


The aim of this study was to verify coaches’ perceptions about the importance of dynamic elements in sports development of youth basketball players. Eleven basketball coaches from Santa Catarina (Brazil) participated in semi-structured interviews about youth engagement in activities, quality relationships, and appropriate settings for sports development. A deductive thematic analysis indicated that all coaches recognized the importance of diversified participation in physical and sports activities, gradually increasing the demands and specialization starting from the age of 13 years old. Although reporting the importance of play and tactical development in basketball, coaches also focused on developing specific technical skills. Concerning interpersonal relationships, coaches perceive themselves as responsible for athletes’ development and emphasized the importance of peers in building positive relationships in sport. The coaches also reported the need for structured environments and resources for basketball development and highlighted the role of schools as settings that were conducive for developing general motor skills. In conclusion, coaches in the present study focused on basketball development and emphasized systematized environments, although also recognizing the influence of other the dynamic elements in the sports development process.


Engagement in activities; Quality relationships; Appropriate settings; Team sport; Youth sport

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