Relationship between Age and Performance and Participation in High Performance Basketball Players

Enrique Ortega-Toro, Javier Bernal-Polo, Miguel Angel Gomez-Ruano, Jose Maria Gimenez-Egido, Isidro Verdú-Conesa


The objective of the present study was to analyse the age at which high performance basketball players obtain the best values of participation and sports performance. Total number of players in the ACB basketball league participating in the regular season was analysed from the 2005-2006 season until the 2017-2018 season with the requirement of having played a minimum of 5 minutes in at least 5 matches (n = 2973). The total sample was divided into four age groups: a) up to 25 years, b) 25.1 and 28 years, c) from 28.1 to 31 years, and d) over 31 years. Statistical data were recorded from each of the players and classified into two groups: a) variables related to participation, and b) performance. The results indicate that, in the participation, it is the under-25s who stand out as the only age range below the general average; whereas, from the perspective of performance, it is the oldest players who obtained the best results.


Formation; Participation; Age

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