Load Variability of Training Sessions and Competition in Female Basketball

María Reina, Javier García-Rubio, Antonio Antúnez, Javier Courel-Ibáñez, Sergio José Ibáñez


To know how the efforts are distributed throughout the training week and competition it is necessary a planning of the training loads. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the load profile of the training session based on its weekly order and competition. A competitive period of a sub 13 women’s basketball team was registered. Each player was monitored with a GARMINTM heart rate band and a WIMUTM inertial system during training and competition. The objective was to determine the load profile of the session based on its weekly order and compare it with competition. The main results identified a constant pattern in the modulation of the load during the week. In this profile, the first session gets lower values than the rest of the week. The intermediate sessions obtain higher values and decreasing in the last prematch session. These results can be used to design fitness programs that optimize the performance of basketball players.


Load; iTL; eTL; Variability; Training

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