Comparison of the Movement Characteristics Based on Position-Specific Between Semi-Elite and Elite Basketball Players

Juan Trapero, Carlos Sosa, Shaoliang Zhang, Rubén Portes, Miguel Ángel Gómez-Ruano, José Bonal, Sergio L Jiménez, Alberto Lorenzo


The aim of study is to comparison of the movement characteristics based on position-specific between world-class elite and semi-elite basketball players. 24 basketball players were selected from Spanish U18 semi-elite (Guards = 5; Forwards = 5; Centres = 2) and World-class elite basketball players (Guards = 5; Forwards = 4; Centres = 3), respectively. Physical demands were assessed using WIMU PRO Local Positioning System (Realtrack Systems, Almeria, Spain) during practices. The differences between Spanish U18 semi-elite and World-class elite basketball players from different position were tested by independent sample t-test. Our result showed that Spanish U18 semi-elite basketball players from all position, made more movement of acceleration and deceleration per average minutes than their counterpart World-class basketball players. Moreover, Spanish U18 guards have better performance in the performance profiles of g-force acceleration (ES = 0.88) and deceleration (ES = 0.98) than World-class guards, as the same results as Spanish U18 centres (g-force acceleration, ES = 0.44; and g-force deceleration, ES = 0.53). Conversely, World-class forwards have better performance in max acceleration (ES = 0.42) and deceleration (ES = 0.42) than Spanish U18 forwards. In conclusion, differences in distribution of accelerations and decelerations appeared between player positions, which would be of importance when monitoring training and game loads and when prescribing specific training exercises.


Movement characteristics; Position specific; Basketball players; Acceleration and deceleration profiles

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