Translation and adaptation to English of a questionnaire to determine the psychological readiness of the injured football player

Pedro Gomez-Piqueras, Roberto Ruiz-Barquín, Aurelio Olmedilla


Different studies have shown that a bad psychological predisposition of the injured athlete could hinder his return to training. The aim of this work was to translate and adapt the questionnaire of psychological predisposition for injured athletes from Spanish to English. A translation-backtranslation methodology was used with native translator and experts in the field of injury recovery. The translators found a high conceptual equivalence between both versions, as well as a low level of difficulty for their translation. The PRIA-RS questionnaire is presented as a conceptually and contextually valid version. Its use at the international level, thanks to this new version in English, could be increased.


Injury; Football; Psychological Predisposition; Translation

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