Flow and performance in marathon runners
Flow is an intensely positive and pleasant subjective state that has been linked to superior performance compared to ordinal performance, due to its dimensions and features (e.g., a balance between perceived task challenges and one’s own skills for the required action, clear goals, full concentration, elevated perceived control on performance, etc.). Research has shown that it occurs in different contexts and activities, including sports. In a two-fold aim, we sought to explore whether marathon runners with different levels of expertise experienced flow states, and the characteristics of this phenomenon in this athletic population; as well as to find out whether flow experiences were different in three sport conditions: practice sessions and competitions in general, the best race remembered by the athlete, and their last race. We further explored the possible relationship between flow states and the expected and achieved times in the last and the best races. A total of 170 males who were marathon runners participating in the Seville Marathon 2010 voluntarily collaborated in this study. Participants completed the Brief Flow Scale (EBF, Godoy-Izquierdo, Vélez, Rodríguez y Ramírez, 2009) before and after the marathon race. Participants reported experiencing flow states in the three athletic activities explored, but interindividual differences were found regarding the frequency and depth of such experiences. There were also differences between the runners regarding the dimensions of the phenomenon. Participants reported experiencing deeper, more intense and frequent episodes of flow in their best and last marathons in comparison to practice sessions and races in general. In addition, runners reporting deeper or more frequent flow episodes also expected and achieved better times. Concluding, flow is frequently experienced by marathon runners, particularly in their best performances, even when marathon running is a highly demanding sport modality. Establishing personal and contextual conditions leading to flow states will help us in designing psychological interventions aimed at increasing athletes’ skills to achieve intense states of flow, which in turn might improve their performance and success.
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