Expert handball goalkeepers’ perception concerning the determining factors for sporting success

Paulo Sá, A. Rui Gomes, Miguel Saavedra, Juan José Fernández


The aim of this study was to analyse the handball expert goalkeepers’ training process, and to identify what they understand as important concerning new goalkeepers’ training. To achieve these objectives a qualitative research methodology was applied. Thus, eight renowned worldwide expert goalkeepers were interviewed. The main findings suggest: (a) the importance of training psychological factors such as confidence, courage, instinct, and concentration; (b) the evident role of coaches and teammates, with more experience, in the training process; (c) the relevance of training physical skills, in association with technical aspects; (d) the need to develop physical abilities, highlighting the importance of reaction time, flexibility and strength; (e) the need to promote technical training at an early stage, with this technique being based on the athlete’s individual characteristics; (f) tactical skills training, which must be developed immediately after technical and physical consolidation, and also after acquiring some experience as a goalkeeper.


Expertise, Training, Handball, Goalkeeper.

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Copyright (c) 2015 Paulo Sá, A. Rui Gomes, Miguel Saavedra, Juan José Fernández