Body image, motivation and academic achievement in young dancers

Carmen María Requena Pérez, Ana María Martín Cuadrado, Baldomero Santiago Lago Marín


In this paper the implications of body image, motivation and self-esteem on academic performance of students at the Dance Conservatory of Córdoba were analyzed. In a sample of 75 students, we developed an anthropometric and behavioral analysis focused on the assessment of body image and a study of self-esteem and motivation, establishing relationships between these factors and performance. Subsequently, an emotional education program was implemented to improve the deficiencies identified. The study of the effects of this intervention and the development of academic results showed the large influence of self-esteem and motivation on performance. The study also revealed the importance of working on self-esteem to build an appropriate body image and the need for emotional education and the systematic use of diagnostic tools to prevent eating behaviour disorders.


Dance, Body image, Self-esteem, Motivation, Academic achievement.

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Copyright (c) 2015 Carmen María Requena Pérez, Ana María Martín Cuadrado, Baldomero Santiago Lago Marín