Intensidad y dirección de la ansiedad competitiva y expectativas de resultados en atletas y nadadores

A. Pozo


This study describes the intensity and direction of pre-competitive somatic and cognitive state anxiety and self-confidence and relates them to expectations of results. A sample of 59 swimmers and track and field athletes completed the modified version (Jones and Swain, 1992) of the CSAI-2 prior to competing and recorded their predictions of the outcome of an event. Three different outcome expectancies groups were formed after comparing predicted performance with real performance. The studys descriptive results provided lower mean values in the intensity of anxiety than did previous studies on other types of sport and the correlation coefficient between the intensity and direction subscales was higher. Subjects who performed better in competitions than expected displayed less cognitive anxiety, less somatic anxiety and greater self-confidence and this group considered anxiety and self-confidence to be more facilitative than the other two groups did.

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Copyright (c) 2007 A. Pozo