Barreras percibidas y actividad física: el autoinforme de barreras para práctica de ejercicio físico

J. Ninerola, L. Capdevila, M. Pintanel


Sport and Health Psychology have identified sedentarism as a risk factor to health. Both disciplines have shown an interest in studying exercise motivation and exercise adherence. The aim of this study was to validate the questionnaire on perceived exercise barriers: Autoinforme de Barreras para la Práctica de Ejercicio Físico (ABPEF - Self- Report on Barriers to Exercising). The final version of the ABPEF is a suitable, valid and reliable instrument for assessing perceived barriers to exercising. This instrument may be useful in designing exercise intervention strategies that promote active lifestyles.

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Copyright (c) 2007 J. Ninerola, L. Capdevila, M. Pintanel