Idiosyncratic description of anger states in skilled Spanish karate athletes: an application of the IZOF model

Montse Ruiz, Yuri Hanin


This study examined content and intensity of anger prior to, during, and after best ever and worst ever
performances in 43 high-level Spanish karate athletes using individualized anger profiling. Optimal and dysfunctional
anger intensities were assessed using a modified version of Borg’s Category Ratio (CR-10) scale. Anger profiling was
supplemented with positive and negative emotion profiling. As expected, content of anger descriptors was highly
idiosyncratic. Moreover, great variability in optimal and dysfunctional anger intensities was found at individual and group
levels. In best performances, anger was related to the generation of additional energy, whereas in worst performances, anger
resulted from a perceived lack of resources or low readiness to perform. Athletes generated different anger descriptors in
performance and in non-sport performance situations (overlap ranged from 0 to .35). The results support the use of an
idiographic approach in the study of anger states.

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Copyright (c) 1970 Montse Ruiz, Yuri Hanin