Evaluating quality in sports organisations: an adaptation of the SERVQUAL model

Veronica Morales, Antonio Hernández-Mendo, Ángel Blanco


The SERVQUAL model (Parasunaman, Zeithaml and Berry, 1993) has proven to be a useful procedure for evaluating quality. Nevertheless, several studies have criticized the model's methodological layout. This question is relevant because of organizations' growing interest in quality management. Furthermore, given that the model has proven to be useful, it seems necessary to demonstrate whether methodological criticism is confirmed or, on the contrary is only an effect of the analysis procedures.

This study presents an adaptation of the model to the realm of sports organisations. Our results support the hypothesis that the different adaptations were not devised with methodological guarantees. The results also support the existence of a stable and parsimonious factorial structure containing acceptable adjustment indexes.

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Copyright (c) 1970 Veronica Morales, Antonio Hernández-Mendo, Ángel Blanco