A non-linear approach to the role of intention in fatiguing exercise

Natàlia Balagué Serre, Robert Hristovski , Daniel Aragonés


Intention has a well-recognised role in the termination point of fatigue-induced exercise; however its interaction with physiological factors is unknown. The linear causal model applied to mind-body relationships does not explain several characteristic phenomena related to the termination point in tasks defined by motor intention. This paper aims to investigate the role of intention in terminating exercise and reveal the non-linear psychobiological integration that occurs during fatiguing efforts. On the basis of the experimental results, we conclude that the mechanism responsible for termination is the dissolution of the intentional attractor that is produced by the growing instability that fatigue produces in the neuromuscular axis. These findings point to the existence of a non-linear, dynamic psychobiological integration in exercise-induced fatigue.

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Copyright (c) 2011 Natàlia Balagué Serre, Robert Hristovski , Daniel Aragonés