Career transition from junior to senior in basketball players

Alberto Lorenzo Calvo, Pablo José Borrás Luján, José Manuel Sánchez Galán, Sergio Jiménez Sáiz, Javier Sampedro Molinuevo


The purpose of the study was to investigate what factors affect basketball players in the transition from junior and amateur to senior and professional sport. The study was a qualitative research which use a semi-structured interview to get the data. There were interviewed five Spanish basketball players who were starting playing in a team of Basketball Club Association (C.B.A.). The results showed that the participants face several changes both in the sport and in the life outside sport. At the same time, the results indicated the existence of several coping strategies that help the player in his career transition.

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Copyright (c) 2010 Alberto Lorenzo Calvo, Pablo José Borrás Luján, José Manuel Sánchez Galán, Sergio Jiménez Sáiz, Javier Sampedro Molinuevo