Performance anxiety and motivational climate in young competitive soccer players in relation to performance and skills perceived by their coaches
This study analysed the relationships between competitive anxiety (both cognitive and somatic) and perceived motivational climate (ego and mastery) in 54 young competitive soccer players (mean age: 9.45 years), related to their four coaches’ perceptions of the soccer players’ skills and performance. We administered the Spanish versions of the SAS-2 (Sport Anxiety Scale-2, Smith, Smoll, Cumming and Grossbard, 2006) and the MCSYS (Motivational Climate Scale for Youth Sports, Smith, Cumming and Smoll, 2008), along with two ad hoc scales to evaluate perceived skills and performance. The results show that 1) young players perceived and discriminated clearly between motivational climates (which were more or less equally distributed between ego and mastery orientations), 2) some performance-related anxiety (mostly cognitive rather than somatic) appeared and 3) no significant relationships were found between their coaches’ perceptions of their skills and their performance. Lastly, the results are discussed and compared with similar results from preadolescent players.
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