Psychological intervention in sport: a case of top-level competition rowing

José Carlos Jaenes Sánchez, Jose Carlos Caracuel Tubio, Rafael Peñaloza Gómez


This paper describes the implementation of a sole intervention with a female international rower. Due to an attention deficit, this rower commits a technical error which leads to reduced performance, caused by an incorrect alignment of the boat in both training and competition situations. The aim of this procedure, on which little has been written in Spanish and only a few articles have come out in English, is to correct this error by using concentration strategies that can be applied to rowers. The procedure is implemented by using a device to redirect the rower’s concentration. From a theoretical point of view, and in the light of the results of the intervention implemented, this proves very useful since it provides a very clear solution to the problem and improves performance level. Although the A-B design might be considered weak from the methodological point of view, it can be justified insofar as it involves both the athlete as well as the correction of the error, which is the objective of implementing the procedure.

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Copyright (c) 2012 José Carlos Jaenes Sánchez, Jose Carlos Caracuel Tubio, Rafael Peñaloza Gómez