Application of the generalizability theory of tensiomyography analysis of professional road cyclists

Oscar García-García, Antonio Hernández Mendo, Virginia Serrano Gómez, Verónica Morales-Sánchez


The aim of this study is to determine the reliability and generalizability of the data structure from the assessment, through tensiomyography (TMG), the parameters of muscle time contraction (TC) and maximum radial displacement of the muscle belly (DM) of the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and biceps femoris muscles of 10 professional road cyclists. TMG measurements took place during the preparatory period and the competitive period. An analysis of variance components by least-squares procedure and maximum likelihood (<.0001), and an analysis of generalizability was performed. The results indicate that the values of error of the variance components analysis by least-squares procedure and maximum likelihood are identical for TC and DM variables, which enables us to consider the sample as normal, linear and homoscedastic. The precision model of the TC variable shows a suitable level of reliability and generalizability (e2 = .89 Φ = .83). The model of DM variable shows a suitable level of reliability and a generalizability close to the proper one (e2 = .826 Φ = .785). The optimization of the design with the variable TC achieved excellent levels of reliability e2 = .94) and generalizability (Φ = .90), as well as the variable DM (e2 = .92 Φ = .90). The importance of this work lies in the use of TMG as a primary intervention technique in the prevention of muscle injuries through the calculation of symmetries and their compensation with guaranteed reliability, accuracy and validity.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Oscar García-García, Antonio Hernández Mendo, Virginia Serrano Gómez, Verónica Morales-Sánchez