Model aimed at measuring perceived Emotional Intelligence in sporting contexts

José Antonio Arruza Gabilondo, Oscar González Rodríguez, María Palacios Moreno, Silvia Arribas Galarraga, Saioa Telletxea Artzamendi


The aim of this study was to obtain evidence of the construct validity and reliability of an ‘Emotional Intelligence in Sports’ questionnaire, using a sample of 656 national athletes (360 male and 296 female). The sample was divided into two parts and an exploratory factor analysis was conducted to construct an initial theoretical model. This was followed by a confirmatory factor analysis. A model with 31 items and 5 first-order factors was obtained. The values that were obtained for the most common global goodness-of-fit indices were as follows: RMSR = .08, GFI = .93; AGFI = .92 and PNFI = .81, while the internal consistency values of Cronbach’s alpha ranged from .86 to .64.

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Copyright (c) 2013 José Antonio Arruza Gabilondo, Oscar González Rodríguez, María Palacios Moreno, Silvia Arribas Galarraga, Saioa Telletxea Artzamendi