Measurement Of Attention In Martial Arts Athletes. Skilled Vs. Novices

Javier Sánchez-López, Thalía Fernández, Juan Silva-Pereyra, Juan A. Martínez-Mesa, Alma J. Moreno-Aguirre


The aim of this study was determine differences in the performance of attention task regarding expertise in martial arts. Participated 12 martial arts athletes experts and 13 novices. They performed the Test of Variables of Attention (Leark, Greenberg, Kindschi, Dupuy y Hughes, 2007) and, with a permutations non-parametric statistical method, data for each variable, condition and segment of the test, were analyzed. Comparisons between groups showed a trend of higher global Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) score for expert than novice subjects. With the purpose to know the performance of each group trough the test, a statistical within-analysis for each group was performed; results revealed, in general, a more consistency in correct responses and reaction time performances of experts than novice athletes. Results suggest that the physical and mental training of the martial arts may produce an improvement in attention process in athletes.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Javier Sánchez-López, Thalía Fernández, Juan Silva-Pereyra, Juan A. Martínez-Mesa, Alma J. Moreno-Aguirre