Analysis of research projects granted by the “Consejo Superior de Deportes” (2006-2012), from a gender perspective

Enrique Ortega Toro, Pedro Valdivia-Moral, Diego Hernán Villarejo, Aurelio Olmedilla Zafra


The aim of this paper is to analyze the research projects awarded by the Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD), from a gender perspective. For this we analyzed the total research projects granted by the CSD (N = 185) between the years 2006-2012, from the CSD website. From each of the research projects analyzed the following variables: a) Institution; b) type of institution; c) Region; d) Discipline; e) Money; and f) Gender of the Principal Investigator (PI). The most significant results indicated that: a) in the 21,08% of the projects, the Principal Investigator are female, b) 136 researchers, 55 institutions, and 15 regions have received at least one project of CSD; c) the institution with the highest number of research projects has been received from the Polytechnic University of Madrid, followed by the European University Madrid; d) the research projects were granted primarily to public uni- versities and private universities, e) the Region of Madrid is the largest number of research projects that have received f) the discipline that most research projects have received is the Sports Performance, followed by Sports Medicine, Teaching and Management; g) the average amount per research project is obtained 11151,21 euros, so that projects that receive larger amounts are: principals investigators are men, public universities, the Extremadura Region, and the discipline of Biomechanics, Sports Performance and Training. These data are intended to expose the situation in granting the CSD projects, and can be used both by policy experts from the sports research, as potential participants in such research.

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Copyright (c) 2013 Enrique Ortega Toro, Pedro Valdivia-Moral, Diego Hernán Villarejo, Aurelio Olmedilla Zafra