A systematic observation of coaches’ verbal behaviours related to competitive game plays

José F. Guzmán Luján, Vicente Calpe-Gómez, Carles Grijalbo Santamaría, Fabián Imfeld Burkhard


The aim of this study was to analyse the interaction between coaches’ verbal behaviour and game actions in a team sport. For this purpose, twenty matches of Senior, Junior and Cadet male handball were analysed. Verbal behaviour provided by coaches was coded using the CAIS (Coach Analysis and Intervention System; Cushion, Harvey, Muir and Nelson, 2012), in which two categories were added: to alert and to provide information. Regarding game actions, 19 actions were coded and grouped into positive and negative. Statistically significant differences were obtained to coaches’ verbal behaviour depending on the result (positive or negative) of game actions. After positive actions, coaches provided more general and specific positive feedback, instruction, information, encouragement, and praise. On the other hand, after negative actions coaches provided more general and specific negative feedback, corrective feedback, scold, direct management, and verbal protocol analysis. Knowledge of coaches’ verbal behaviour based on game actions is useful for implementing interventions to improve these behaviours in competition.


Feedback, Instruction, Communication, Observational methodology, Notational analysis.

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Copyright (c) 2014 José F. Guzmán Luján, Vicente Calpe-Gómez, Carles Grijalbo Santamaría, Fabián Imfeld Burkhard