Variability of physical activity in 17-18-year-old Spanish adolescents by type of day and season

Carmen Peiró-Velert, Javier Valenciano Valcárcel, Vicente J. Beltrán-Carrillo, José Devís-Devís


The aim of this study was to analyze the variability of physical activity levels, according to the season (winter, autumn) and type of day (weekend, school day), in a sample of 395 Spanish adolescents aged 17-18 years old. Physical activity was measured with the Four by one-day physical activity questionnaire. Adolescents showed more energy expenditure in winter (M = 39.97 Kcal/kg/day) than in autumn (M = 37.31 Kcal/kg/day), and during the weekend (M = 39.29 Kcal/kg/day) than the school day (M = 37.99 Kcal/kg/day). Chi-square tests showed that more teens were ‘active’ and 'moderately active' in these periods in which there were also more energy expenditure. Nevertheless, in autumn adolescents showed more energy expenditure during the school day (M = 38.56 Kcal/kg/day) than the weekend (M = 36.06 Kcal/kg/day), while the opposite happened in winter (M = 42.52 Kcal/kg/day during weekend and M = 37.41 Kcal/kg/day during school day). Results from this study indicate season and type of day may influence adolescents’ physical activity levels, but differently compared to other countries or geographical areas. According to this specific variability, several strategies for the promotion of physical activity in the most inactive periods of the week and the year are suggested.


Physical activity; Adolescents; Recall questionnaires; Type of day; Season; Energy expenditure.

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Copyright (c) 2014 Carmen Peiró-Velert, Javier Valenciano Valcárcel, Vicente J. Beltrán-Carrillo, José Devís-Devís