Relationship of social norms and self-efficacy with physical activity in Korean Adolescents

Soojin Kang, Youngho Kim


The study identified the physical activity distribution among a random sample of Korean adolescents and investigated relationship of selfefficacy and social norms with physical activity. Participants included 488 students enrolled in 7th to 12th grade (Male: 255, Female: 233, Mage = 15.13, SD = ± 1.56). Three Korean-version questionnaires were used to explore a possible association of self-efficacy and social norms with physical activity among adolescents. Crosstab analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were performed to analyze data. Results indicated that the physical activity pattern of Korean adolescents was different by each stage of physical activity: precontemplation (15.3%), contemplation (17.7%), preparation (28.8%), action (18.4%), and maintenance (19.8%). Significant distribution emerged as a function of gender. In addition, the findings revealed that self-efficacy and peer norms were significantly correlated with physical activity and that peer norms and self-efficacy had significant effect in predicting physical activity. The findings suggested that the health promotion strategy aimed at increasing adolescents’ physical activity should be designed to foster self-efficacy and peer norms relating to physical activity.


physical activity; self-efficacy; social norms; adolescents

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Copyright (c) 2015 Soojin Kang, Youngho Kim