Analysis of training tasks regarding game stages and situations in U´10 and U´13 categories

María Cañadas, Carlos Solbes, Sebastián Feu


The aim of this study was to analyze the way training tasks are designed by four coaches of U´10 category (9-10 years old) and U´13 category (12-13 years old) regarding game stages and situations. The sample of this study is formed by four coaches: C1 and C2 train mini basket teams and are more experienced; C3 and C4 train children’s teams and are less experienced. 452 training tasks designed by these four coaches for two months were analyzed. The training pedagogical variables registered were the following: Game stages, Game situations and Content. In order to control data’s reliability, consensual agreement was carried out, and in order to obtain inter and intra-assessor agreement, kappa de Cohen and multirater kfree indexes were used. A descriptive and inferential analysis was performed (χ2, φc and RTC) in order to analyze the characteristics of the tasks designed by each coach and the Mann-Whitney U test was used to know the differences in the studied variables amongst coaches. The results show that there are mainly offensive tasks, although three of the coaches show to tend to combine offensive and defense tactics. Game situations most common are 1x0 and 1x1. Situations without opposition are mainly used to work on offensive contents. The analysis of training pedagogical variables provides very useful information to know how the basketball training is designed.


Game stages; Game situations; Training; Basketball; Analysis of training tasks

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Copyright (c) 2015 María Cañadas, Carlos Solbes, Sebastián Feu