Influence of the sports coach in relation to perfectionism and goal orientations

Heriberto Antonio Pineda-Espejel, Jeanette M. López-Walle, Inés Tomás-Marco


The aim of this study was to analyze how the relationship between the perfectionism of the athletes and their goal orientations at individual level is affected by the perception of the motivational climate generated by the coach at team level. Participants were 144 athletes of both genders, belonging to 18 different sports teams, who answered a set of questionnaires to measure the study variables. Results of the multilevel hierarchical model showed that individual differences in task orientation were predicted by individual factors (striving for perfectionism), and team factors (perceptions of task-involving climate and ego-involving climate created by the coach). Additionally, ego-involving climate moderated the relationship between the striving for perfectionism and task orientation.


Personality; Motivation; Motivational climate; Multilevel

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