Effects of an individualized program on coaches’ observed and perceived behavior

Jaume Cruz, Àngela Mora, Catarina Sousa, Saül Alcaraz


The purpose of the present study is to evaluate an individualized intervention based on Coach Effectiveness Training (CET) principles, using a case study. Two basketball coaches selected 3 target behaviors to improve. Behavioral assessment revealed that Coach 1 achieved positive changes in all his 3 target behaviors. In turn, Coach 2 improved on 2 of his 3 target behaviors. Changes in coaches’ behaviors were mostly perceived by players in the evaluation stage. Specifically, players’ perceptions of Coach 1 showed an increase of General Encouragement and Mistake Contingent Encouragement, and players of Coach 2 perceived a clear increase of General Encouragement, Reinforcement and Mistake-Contingent Technical Instruction. Results are discussed in line with CET principles and potential applications of our program are presented.


Coaching; Counseling; Goal setting; Single-subject methodologies; Basketball

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