Motivation and self-concept in windsurfers: A study of professional and recreational participants

Cristian Modroño, Félix Guillén


The purpose of this study was to examine self-determined motivation, achievement goal orientations, and self-concept characteristics of professional, competitive amateur and noncompetitive recreational windsurfers. Questionnaires were administered to a sample of 140 individuals including 79 (54 professionals and 25 non-professionals) individuals who were participants in either a championship or a recreational competition. Also, surveyed were 61 recreational but non-competitive windsurfers. Overall, the results revealed high levels of self-determined motivation. In addition, participants reported a positive physical self-concept, a strong task motivational orientation and a weak ego goal orientation. On the motivational and self-concept dimensions, significant differences were found between competitive windsurfers and non-competitive windsurfers but not between the professional competitors and the amateur competitors. No significant gender differences emerged. Age was negatively related to an ego goal orientation as well as to physical self-concept. Performance outcomes could not be predicted by this set of variables.


Windsurfing; Self-concept; Motivation; Cluster

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Copyright (c) 2016 Cristian Modroño, Félix Guillén