Concern about physical appearance in users of multi-sports complexes in Mexico

Rocío Haydee Arreguín Moreno, Sergio Alfonso Sandoval Godoy, José Antonio Gonzalez-Jurado


Social Physique Anxiety (SPAS -7) and muscle dysmorphia (Adonis Complex) scales are sensitive tools to assess concern about physical appearance. The aim of this work is to analyse the association between muscle dysmorphia and social physique anxiety and identify the differences by gender in users of integrated sports complexes in north-west Mexico. Using simple random sampling, 429 (231 men and 198 women) were selected. SPAS-7 and Adonis Complex questionnaires were given in the relevant sports centre. Significant differences were4 found which showed that women reported higher levels of anxiety than men (M = 12.5 ± 5 SD and M = 14.5 ± 6 SD, p = .000); however, obese women reported much higher levels in relation to the others (M = 18.8 ± SD p < .000). It was also proved, using a regression model, that the number of years doing sports, the number of times a week and the duration of the training session predict social physique anxiety and the Adonis Complex. In addition, a significant association between muscle dysmorphia and anxiety levels was confirmed.


Physical activity; Exercise addiction; Social pressure

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Copyright (c) 2016 Rocío Haydee Arreguín Moreno, Sergio Alfonso Sandoval Godoy, José Antonio Gonzalez-Jurado