Perceived value and customer satisfaction in virtual fitness and trainer-guided group activities in fitness centres
At present, the fitness industry is on a growth path. One of the most prominent services in fitness centres is trainer-guided group fitness activities, which have evolved into virtual fitness activities with the inclusion of technology. This research analyses perceived value and customer satisfaction in both activities, exploring the differences between them and the relationship between the two variables. The sample consisted of 572 subjects belonging to a private fitness centre (319 women and 253 men), between 15 and 63 years old. The results show significant differences between perceived value and satisfaction in the two sports services, with sports requiring a trainer getting more positive values. Furthermore, customer satisfaction shows a dependence on perceived value, with a stronger link being obtained in the case of virtual fitness activities. These results and an in-depth analysis on the inclusion, or not, of these sport services are thought-provoking for managers of these facilities.
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