Perception of professional competences of graduates in Science of Physical Activity and Sport

Antonio Campos-Izquierdo, Rafael Martín-Acero


This study analyzes the level of importance perceived by individuals who work in physical activity and sport occupations in Spain on specific professional competences, mainly Graduates in Science of Physical Activity and Sport. The methodology consisted in a sectional survey of 2500 individuals. The results were that these graduates consider it is very important have all the specific professional competences studied for a highly professional performance. This perception is higher than other people working in physical activity and sport and increases with more than ten years of professional experience. Furthermore, according to occupation, the same perception of the great majority of these competences is maintained. Therefore, these competences should be the core of the training program of these graduates.


Competencies; Employment; Professionals; Degree; Sport

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Copyright (c) 2016 Antonio Campos-Izquierdo, Rafael Martín-Acero