Working memory performance differentiated by physical functional capacity in late-adulthood

Shu-Shih Hsieh, Tsung-Min Hung, Lin-Hsiang Chu, Wan-Chan Chou, Chin-Lung Fang


The aim of this study was to examine whether working memory performance is differentiated by higher and lower physical functional capacities in the elderly. Forty-six healthy, active older males aged 65-75 years were assigned into either a Higher-capacity group (HC group; n = 23) or Lower-capacity group (LC group; n = 23) based on the median split of their distance walked in the 6-min walking test, an assessment tool for physical functional capacity. The Sternberg working memory paradigm was employed to measure working memory performance, where data on reaction times (RT) and response accuracy were collected as performance indices. Results demonstrated that the HC group had faster RT compared with the LC group. No group difference in response accuracy was observed. Overall, the study indicated that working memory performance may be differentiated by physical functional capacity in healthy, active older males.


Sternberg paradigm; Six-minute Walking Test; executive function

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Copyright (c) 2017 Shu-Shih Hsieh, Tsung-Min Hung, Lin-Hsiang Chu, Wan-Chan Chou, Chin-Lung Fang