Relationship between physical activity of adolescents and that of mothers / fathers

Adilson Marques, Miguel González Valeiro, João Martins, María A Fernández-Villarino, Francisco Carreiro da Costa


This study aimed to examine the relationship between the physical activity (PA) levels of parents and that showed by their children. A sample comprised of 1604 adolescents (807 Portuguese, 797 Spanish)
participated in this study. For PA data collection it was used a questionnaire for parents and another one for their children. Multinomial logistic regression was used to examine the relationship between the PA levels of parents and that showed by their children. Adolescents with active parents practiced more often non-organized PA (59.4% vs. 37.9%, p<0.001), organized PA (39.6% vs. 22.7%, p<0.001) on a weekly basis, and during more time (24.8% vs. 17.0%, p=0.010) than those who had a mother and father less actives. Adolescents with active mothers and less active fathers (OR=1.8, 95% IC: 1.3-2.7, p=0.002), and those who had both active parents (OR=2.1, 95% IC: 1.4-3.2, p<0.001) were more likely to practice non-organized PA. To have active father and less active mother (OR=1.6, 95% IC: 1.1-2.1, p=0.024), and have both active parents (OR=1.6, 95% IC: 1.1- 2.3, p=0.017) were associated with a greater likelihood of practice of organized AF. These results highlight the relationship between parents PA participation and their children PA participation.


Adolescents; Parents; Mothers

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Copyright (c) 2017 Adilson Marques, Miguel González Valeiro, João Martins, María A Fernández-Villarino, Francisco Carreiro da Costa