Validation into Spanish of the Athletes' Perceptions of Coaching Competency Scale

Inmaculada González-Ponce, Ruth Jiménez Castuera, Francisco Miguel Leo Marcos, David Sánchez-Oliva, Juan José Pulido González, Tomás García-Calvo


The aim of the study was to develop a validation into Spanish of the of the scale carried out by Myers, Chase, Beauchamp, and Jackson (2010) about coach´ competence (Athletes´ Perceptions of Coaching Competency Scale II-High School Teams: APCCS II-HST). The sample was formed by 581 players, whom 356 athletes were male and 225 individuals were female, ranging in age from 18 to 39 years old (M = 24.51; SD = 3.73). After analyzing different measurement models, the results indicate that Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling (ESEM) structure the first-order is the best fit for the data, showing correlations lower between factors. In addition, the scale showed adequate internal consistency and concurrent validity through relationships with coach satisfaction, and was shown to be invariant for players of both genders. Thus, coaches and sport psychologists might use this scale to measure each of the instruments´ dimensions of coaching competency in high performance athletes.


Competence; Satisfaction; Football; Gender

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