Changes in basketball rules and competition: parents' and coaches' opinion

Maria Cañadas Alonso, Enrique Ortega Toro


The aim of this study was to analyze the levels of satisfaction of parents and coaches after the application of a tournament in which the regulation and the competition system in U´14 are modified. A "Basket to 2.80" tournament was developed, divided into five mini-competitions (shots, skill competition, one-on-one, four-on-four and five-on-five) and in which the equipment was adapted (basket to two meters and eighty and ball six). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine parents and four basketball coaches. Using the content analysis procedure, the data were analyzed by three coders. The most valued rules were the ball six, the four-on-four and the reduction of the height of the basket. To favor the learning process, to increase the participation, the space of game and the efficiency and the satisfaction of the players, are associated with the new rules. Faced with 55.5% of the parents who opt for the two competition systems (current and mini-competitions system) the rest and the coaches prefer the current competition. Integral training and a greater participation of the players, the variety and the playful character is highlighted in the system of competition raised. Given the virtues pointed out, it is necessary to continue proposing these types of proposals that allow to analyze and question the regulation and the current competition.


Regulation; Rules; Competition; Parents; Coaches

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Copyright (c) 2017 Maria Cañadas Alonso, Enrique Ortega Toro