Factors associated to efficacy in the sports performance of champion basketball teams in training categories

Alexandra Folle, William das Neves Salles, Ricardo Teixeira Quinaud, Juarez Vieira do Nascimento


The aim of this empirical, associative, predictive, transversal study was to analyze the factors associated to efficacy in the sports performance of champion basketball teams in training categories. We used the Instrument for Assessment of Technical-Tactical Individual Performance in Basketball (Folle et al., 2014) to analyze 10,948 game actions of 26 female basketball players in state competitions of the under-16 and under-18 categories. Analysis of the information collected was performed using SPSS 23 software through binary logistic regression models, considering the significance level of 5%. Results show that the main factors associated to efficacy in sports performance are decision making and adaptation during the game, as well as the time of sporting experience and the level of competitive experience.


Sport; Individual performance; Athletes

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Copyright (c) 2017 Alexandra Folle, William das Neves Salles, Ricardo Teixeira Quinaud, Juarez Vieira do Nascimento