Stress and technique of basketball refereeing according to gender

David García-Santos, Alejandro Vaquera Jiménez, Julio Calleja-González, Sergio González-Espinosa, Sergio José Ibáñez Godoy


The aim of this research was to determine the differences that may exist in the gender of the referee about the technical intervention and stressful situations during basketball matches. The subjects are six national referees (4 men and 2 women) officiating an international tournament U-16. IOVAB instrument has been used to calculate the differences in the technical intervention and LISEA questionnaire in order to observe differences in stress situations. The results show no significant differences in technical intervention, except the head referee movements, where the women performance is better. However, there are differences between groups in stressful situations. Women have higher values in reference to the name of the coaches and players, the position occupied by each team in the competition, the workmate referee, the place and stadium and the existence of field official. Results show the need to implement an intervention program to regulate the anxiety of the referees before and after the games.


Referee; Gender; Technical intervention; Stress

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Copyright (c) 2017 David García-Santos, Alejandro Vaquera Jiménez, Julio Calleja-González, Sergio González-Espinosa, Sergio José Ibáñez Godoy