Effect of rules modification and competition system on levels of satisfaction in basketball players under 14

Enrique Ortega Toro, María Cañadas Alonso, José María Giménez Egido


The objective of the present study was to analyze the opinion and satisfaction of the basketball players after the application of a tournament in which both the rules and the competition system are modified and adapted. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 44 male and female players (under-14). From a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data, the following results were obtained: a) The players responded before the tournament that the rules that conform the current regulation are relatively adequate, indicating as rules to modify those related to the increase of the time of Play and effectiveness at launch; B) Following the implementation of the new tournament, players indicate high levels of satisfaction with the new rules, especially those related to increased participation and efficiency at launch (basket height, the possibility of playing 4x4 situations And 1x1); C) Despite being especially pleased with the structure of the new tournament, most of them prefer a normal tournament (5x5). The reasons given are not based on exclusively sporting aspects, if not on organizational aspects.


Height of the basket; Satisfaction; Sports training

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Copyright (c) 2017 Enrique Ortega Toro, María Cañadas Alonso, José María Giménez Egido