Factor composition of the Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire (MBSRQ) in Mexican university students

Luis Humberto Blanco Ornelas, Jesús Viciana Ramírez, Juan Francisco Aguirre Chávez, María del Carmen Zueck Enríquez, Elia Verónica Benavides Pando


The aim of this study was to analyze if psychometric results proposed by Botella, Ribas and Ruiz for the Spanish version of the Multidimensional Body Self Relations Questionnaire could be replicated in Mexican university students. A total of 1539 university students participated in this study with a mean age of 20.56 years (SD = 1.88). The factor structure of the questionnaire was analyzed trough exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Results showed a feasible and adequate structure of two factors (subjective importance of the physical appearance and subjective importance of the physical shape), with adequate fit indices of reliability and validity, according to statistical and substantive criteria. However, the obtained model does not coincide with that proposed by Botella et al. Future research should replicate these findings in wider samples.


Instrumental study; Factor structure; Confirmatory factor analysis; Factor invariance

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