Benefits, barriers and social support for exercise: differences by degree

Rosa María Cruz-Castruita, Juan Carlos Arturo González Castro, Maria Julia Raimundi, Maria Cristina Enríquez-Reyna


During late adolescence and youth, physical exercise (PE) could support the formation of a stable personality. However, it has reported a 7% annual decline in the practice of PE for boys and girls, beginning in childhood and continuing through adolescence and youth. The study examined differences by level of education among the benefits, barriers and social support for exercise in university. Based on the Health Promotion Model of Pender. Descriptive comparative design. A sample of 928 young people aged 15 to 26 years stratified by university level. The average years of education was higher among those who reported no exercise practice (t = -3.28, p = .001). Differences between education level were found for exercise benefits (z = 4.955, p <.05) and exercise barriers (z = -2.388, p < .05). The analysis of the items on the scales showed significant differences by level of education among autonomous benefits (z = -. 960, p > .05) regarding barriers to the option "not wanting to do" (z = 2498, p < 0.05) and for "not having adequate clothing or shoes "(z = 1,978, p < .05). The study results allow us to conclude that most young people who study not perform PE and more scholarship youth report lower PE. The young college perceives more benefits and influence of friends but also more barriers to the practice of PE.


Health behavior; Health promotion; Adolescent; Social support; Student

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