Psychological characteristics that influence sports injuries of amateur triathletes from Yucatan, Mexico

Aldo Antonio González-Reyes, Jesús Moo Estrella, Aurelio Olmedilla Zafra


The aim of this research was to analyze the relation between the psychological characteristics with the sport injuries in amateur triathletes from Yucatan, Mexico. The next instruments were applied: Psychological Inventory of Sports Performance (IPED), Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT), Questionnaire of Perceived causes of Injuries in Triathletes (CPELT) and Self-report of training and injuries features. The sample was composed of 50 triathletes, 33 men (66%) and 17 women (34%) with a mean age of 24.47 in a range of 15 to 48 years. Significant relationships were found in the number of sport injuries with IPED and CPELT factors. Furthermore, the competitive anxiety, coping negative control from IPED and prevention measures factor from CPELT gained a better predictive value for sports injuries.


Psychological profile; Anxiety; Perception; Injuries; Triathletes

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