Physical activity, physical self-concept and psychological well-being in women Mexican university students

Yunuen Socorro Rangel Ledezma, Daniel Mayorga-Vega, Jesús Enrique Peinado Pérez, Juan Cristóbal Barrón Luján


The main purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of regular physical activity and physical self-concept on the perception of psychological well-being in women Mexican university students using structural equation modeling. A total of 532 women Mexican university students aged 18-26 years old completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire, Modified Questionnaire of Physical Self concept and Psychological Well-Being Scales. The results of the structural equation modeling showed that the practice of physical activity, through motor competency-physical attractiveness, has an indirect positive effect on the perception of psychological well-being in the dimension of self-acceptance and this in turn has a direct positive effect on personal growth. The proposed model obtains a satisfactory fit, accounting for 43% of the variance in perception of psychological well-being in the dimension of personal growth (variable criteria).


Physical activity habits; Motor competency; Physical attractiveness; Self-acceptance; Personal growth; Structural equations

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