Burnout syndrome in Mexican university sportmen

Pedro Reynaga-Estrada, Diana Aurora Mena Robles, Alexandra Valadez Jiménez, Adolfo Rodríguez Villalobos, Juan González Hernández


Burnout Syndrome is a result of chronic stress manifested by chronic fatigue both physical and mental, anger, feelings of self-criticism, impotence, negativity, irritability, among others. It manifests in the athletes in three main areas: psychological, environmental and sports. The aim of this research is to determine the prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome in the athletes of Guadalajara´s National University, located in Jalisco, México in the year of 2008. In the research 531 students were involved, all of them from different sports, place of residence, universities and degrees. A sociodemographic questionnaire was implemented to obtain personal data as well as information of the environment where the athletes interact; to evaluate the Burnout, the Maslach and Jackson’s inventory was used in its adapted sport version. With the test, a reliability of .789 was obtained in the instrument, and the highest middle in personal accomplishment, not finding significant differences regarding to gender and the dimensions that compose the syndrome.


Burnout; University students; Stress; Overtraining

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