Decisional balance, motivation and exercise enjoyment in a Mexican population sample

Jorge Zamarripa, Maria Salette Marentes-Castillo, Isabel Castillo, Maritza Delgado, Octavio Álvarez


The aim of the present study was to examine the role of decisional balance and different types of motivation in predicting exercise enjoyment in a sample of 419 participants from the metropolitan area of Monterrey (Mexico), aged between 18 and 55 (Mage= 31.02 years; SD = 11.32; 50.1% males). A hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to predict exercise enjoyment. Results indicated that decisional balance predicted 26% of exercise enjoyment variance, adding the different types of motivation a 15% of the variance (total R2 = .41). In conclusion, self-determined motivation makes a significant contribution to the prediction of exercise enjoyment by decisional balance.


Decisional balance; Self-determination; Exercise; Enjoyment

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