Correlation between physical activity and self-efficacy in Chinese university students

Hao Liu, Xia Dai


Physical inactivity is becoming increasingly prevalent in Chinese university students. This study aims to assess the leisure-time physical activity level of the Chinese university students and to examine the correlation between the physical activity level and the self-efficacy to overcome barriers to physical activity. Five hundred and thirty Chinese university students participated in the study voluntarily. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ, Chinese Short version) and the Self-Efficacy to Overcome Barriers to Physical Activity Scale (SOBPAS) are adopted. The results suggested: (1) the level of leisure-time physical activity in Chinese University students is relatively low; (2) self-efficacy to overcome barriers to physical activity is significantly correlated with the physical activity, it can be used as a predictor of university students’ leisure time physical activity.


Leisure-time physical activity; Physical activity self-efficacy; University student

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