Social self-efficacy training programme for basketball-playing students: A case study

Romualdas Malinauskas, Sarunas Sniras, Vilija Malinauskiene


In this study, the effectiveness of an educational programme for enhancing social self-efficacy prepared for basketball-playing students was investigated. Fifty-four male basketball-playing students (Mage = 16.47; SD = .73), practicing on two teams, participated in this study. The teams were randomly assigned into an experimental (n=26) and a control (n=28) group. The intervention was designed to help basketball-playing students to determine their social self-efficacy by engaging in interactive activities and role play scenarios. To assess the effectiveness, a Social Self-efficacy Subscale, and a Multi-dimensional Control, Agency, and Means-ends Inventory for Friends were used. The findings showed that this educational programme for enhancing social self-efficacy was effective for basketball-playing students’ social self-efficacy, and social self-efficacy beliefs in personal controllability and in control expectancy.


Self-efficacy; Intervention; Youth sports; Athletes; Basketball

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